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The ZeroWaste project is nearing completion

On 29 April, the staff of Tisza EGTC, Andrea Szabóné Cap, director, and Judit Jevcsák, deputy director, conducted a site inspection and field visit at the landfill complex in Yanoshi, which is being built within the ZeroWaste project. József Bacskai, Consul General of the Consulate General of Hungary in Uzhhorod, László Horváth, Deputy Mayor of Berehovo, Géza Kész and Edina Sebestyén Kész, representing the BudresProm construction company, also took part in the field visit.

The list of projects approved under the HUSK SPF/2301 call has been published

The Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee of the Rába-Duna-Vág Limited Liability European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation held its second meeting on 21 February 2024 at the Pest County Municipality Office. The main item of the meeting was the approval of the list of small projects (ranking list) under the HUSK SPF/2301 call for proposals.

Gábor Mayer, State Secretary for Regional Development, presented the South Transdanubian Regional Development Model Programme in Pécs

On 25 January Gábor Mayer, among others, held a meeting at the university and met with regional mayors, before holding a press conference on the development directions of Baranya at the county hall.
At the event, the State Secretary stressed that the primary task of regional development is to reduce the gap between underdeveloped and developed regions.