Hungarian overview



  • Author

    Gellért Zsolt Demeter, Edit Pintér, Irén Molnár, Gábor Czibolya

  • Year of publication


  • Language

    Hungarian (HU)



Tanulmányok a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Karának Flachbarth Ernő Kutatóműhelyéből


The studies published in the volume show, on the one hand, the intellectual performance of today’s higher education university students and, on the other hand, the studies can be very useful for those who need more information on the researched topics.

The discussed issues (identity, democracy, nation, minorities) need to be addressed, and their research is a description that can be acceptable or only acceptable as a starting point for further debates. In other words, the discussed topics might influence our thinking about public policy and law or to formation of our scientific opinions about them. This publication is justified in several respects, it is a reasonable journalism, which can also be the initial foundation of the authors’ future public policy and public law work.