Via Carpatia EGTC


Find your way to the labour market course

As part of the Szépcserehát Territorial Action Plan for Employment, in May and June 2021, two rounds of the “Find your way to the labor market” training were implemented in Szepsi and Encs under the direction of the Via Carpatia EGTC. There were four thematic seminars for participants, which helped them prepare their own CVs, develop their social and communication skills, and broaden their financial knowledge. Furthermore, coping strategies have also been taught for various challenges, such as alcoholism.

Source of the article: Via Carpatia EGTC

The original content is available by clicking here.

As part of the Szépcserehát Territorial Action Plan for Employment, in May and June 2021, two rounds of the “Find your way to the labor market” training were implemented in Szepsi and Encs under the direction of the Via Carpatia EGTC. There were four thematic seminars for participants, which helped them prepare their own CVs, develop their social and communication skills, and broaden their financial knowledge. Furthermore, coping strategies have also been taught for various challenges, such as alcoholism.

Source of the news: Via Carpatia EGTC

The original content is available by clicking here.