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The Strategy of the MURABA EGTC

The goal of the document is to demonstrate the current situation and the development areas. The document contains the planning process, the planning conditions and the external factors. Besides the assessment, it showcases the development goals and principles, the high priority development areas (the cooperation between enterprise and institutions supporting the business sector, the clean environment and high quality basic infrastructure, the cultural cooperations, a caring region: the cooperation of generations and information sharing in the border region).

Joint tourism marketing strategy for the municipalities of the MURA REGION EGTC

The aim of the shared marketing strategy is to ensure the target-oriented development of the key products of the region and to construct the tourism image of the region. In addition, the strategy provides a base to create a successful tourism marketing campaign, which could increase the publicity of the region and also the number of tourists visiting the destination area. High quality, responsible and sustainable tourism product development in the region, and at the same time, determining the leading tourism products of the region, on which the strategy can be based; establishing the tourism image and regional brand of the region; the professional and market oriented promotion of the tourism of the region are also part of the strategy.