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Regional Developments While Conserving Natural Habitats, Opportunities For The Ipoly Valley

The goal of the EGTC is the achievement of joint development of the Members by reviving and replanning historical links and cooperations and developing long-term joint strategies, and the promotion and reinforcement of the cooperation between the members of the Association besides the internal and external interoperability of the EU. The aim of the Ipoly Valley EGTC is to enable and promote the economic and social cohesion besides developing a joint and combined development programme by carrying out programmes implemented by EGTCs and co-financed by the EU within the administrative borders of the joined municipalities and with an impact on the municipalities affected by the activities carried out in this area. The primary task of the Ipoly-Valley EGTC is to execute programmes and projects from territorial cooperation cofinanced by the European Union via the ERDF, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and utilizing the domestic resources of the countries concerned and the own resources of the members concerned. Besides the municipal districts, he would like to utilize the help and experience of professional organisations for this, in cooperation with civil society organisations and enterprises.

Climate strategy

The aim of the Climate Strategy is to develop a coherent strategy to the territory of the Európa-kapu and the northern part of the Hungarian-Romanian border region in order to reduce the effects caused by climate change. The document describes the possible development responses for climate change in the region of the Gate to Europe.