Pons Danubii EGTC


Kn-Kn ImproTrans (Improvement of cross-border public transport services between Komárno (SK) and Komárom (HU))


  • Source

    Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme

  • Budget

    999 767

  • Project partners

    Komárom Municipality (HU),

    KNYKK – Középnyugat-magyarországi Közlekedési Központ Zrt. (HU),

    Comorra Servis (SK)

  • Time of implementation

    2018 – 2021


The aim of the cooperation is to improve the quality and conditions of public bus transport between Komárom (HU) and Komárno (SK). The project includes daily transport with an electronic bus between the two cities. Bus terminals and bus stops in both municipalities have been renovated. Bus stations will be equipped with a smart information display to provide passengers with up-to-date information on bus services. A website and a mobile application introducing the project to local residents will be created, which will inform residents  (these will show the arrival time of the bus, its exact location, and other useful information).