Pons Danubii EGTC


Komfort (Joint Development of the Fortress System of Komárno and Komárom)


  • Source

    Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme

  • Budget

    1 495 550

  • Project partners

    Komárno (SK),

    Monostori Erőd Hadkultúra Központ Műemlékhelyreállító,

    Ingatlanfenntartó-és hasznosító Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

  • Time of implementation

    2021 – 2023


The fortification system of Komárom-Komárno is already a major tourist attraction in the border region and is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. To make the fortification system an even bigger tourist attraction, the Komfort project includes infrastructure renovations in the New Fortress in Komárno (SK) and in the Fort Igmándi in Komárom (HU). As a result of these renovations, a larger area will be open to the public, interactivity will be enhanced, and modern reception areas will be created to provide an improved reception for guests. The project partners plan to promote the project and the forts through joint social media campaigns.

Pictures related to the project: