European perspective



  • Author


  • Year of publication


  • Language

    French (FR)



GUIDE MÉTHODOLOGIQUE – Articuler la politique de cohésion, les dispositifs de gouvernance et les logiques territoriales transfrontalières


This document was written when the cross-border cooperation at the French borders was marked by an intense period of both national and European reforms. The implementation of cooperation is highly dependent on the administrative organization of states and the way in which public policies are carried out. The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière has undertaken to produce a methodological guide aimed at improving the articulation between cohesion policy, governance mechanisms and cross-border territorial logics.

This methodological guide first presents the realization of a detailed diagnosis of cooperation initiatives on all French borders, which highlights local specificities, as well as cross-cutting points across all borders. This analytical work then feeds the proposal for a series of recommendations for improving the framework for implementing cross-border cooperation.