
Tourism improvements in the region

A meeting of EGTCs and tourism organisations from Western Hungary took place on 18 June 2021 in the framework of the project backed by the DANUrB+ Danube Transnational Programme. 

INSiGHTS – Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies

Danube Regions have outstanding natural and cultural resources in need to be protected. At the same time, they have a great potential to become attractive destinations for the fast growing trend of slow, green and healthy tourism.
To find solutions on how to make regions more attractive to tourists 13 partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia have joined forces in the INSiGHTS project – Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.
Within the framework of the project eight integrated and sustainable tourist strategies have been developed in total.

The integrated sustainable tourism strategy of the wider Pons Danubii region

The purpose of this document is to define an integrated sustainable tourism strategy, including detailed action plan, for the wider Pons Danubii cross-border region for the period of 2019-2028.

NOVUM DANUVIUM TAPE – Complex innovation program for creating jobs in the Pons Danubii Region

The overall objective of the TAPE programme (ensuring long-term growth and competitiveness in the automotive and technology sectors through enhanced innovation, cooperation, and employment potential) is supported by three specific objectives:

KOMBI – Cross-border integrated bike sharing system

The purpose of KOMBI is to increase substantially the interconnectivity of the Komarno-Komarom cross-border region by launching an innovative type of cross-border public transport system. Just like for the whole programme area it holds for the greater Komarno-Komarom cross-border area too that only low level of services facilitate cross-border commuting currently. With regards to cycle traffic, the region faces 2 main challenges: accessibility of existing infrastructure (level of related services) and vital need for further infrastructure development. KOMBI will primarily address the accessibility challenge through a pioneering service development.