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“A day dedicated to local products” in Lenti

Mura Region EGTC, together with CESCI and the Pannon EGTC, organised a professional event on cross-border trade of local products in Lenti on 30 May 2023, with the support of the Association of European Border Regions and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.

The development of the elderly-friendly region continued

The Ipoly Valley European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation with Limited Liability has been effectively working for several years to strengthen cross-border links, which has now been taken to a higher level by the project “Developing an integrated age-friendly region within the area of the Ipoly-valley EGTC” (IpOLD).

The RE-Start Action Plan with diverse programs

The Pontibus EGTC’s employment action plan, called RE-START (“Creating Needs Based Employment in the Lower Ipel Valley”), primarily seeks to integrate unskilled workforce and older generations in the labour market, paying special attention to the working-age population outside the labour market.

Support for Member Settlements’ Developments

The new building was inaugurated on 16 February 2023 within the framework of the EU project “Establishing the Reformed Nursery of Győr”, which was implemented under the consortium leadership of the Municipality of Győr, in partnership with the Reformed Church of Győr.