
The “Key to the Balkans” was handed over in a ceremony in Mórahalom

The Kolo Serbian Cultural Centre opened its doors at the end of March 2019, and over the past years it has promoted interethnic solidarity and the networking of people living in the border region through numerous cultural, religious, social and economic events.

First live firefighting operation of the fire truck purchased with the support of the ROHU72 project

The ROHU72 project of the Volunteer Firefighters Association (VFA) of the City of Mórahalom was closed on 30 November 2023, whose management was carried out by the BTC EGTC. The Volunteer Fire Brigade Association of Mórahalom purchased a special vehicle.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade supports EGTCs with HUF 170 million in 2023

At the end of 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade launched a call for proposals to support the operational and project funding activities of the European Groupings for Territorial Cooperation in 2023. The available funding was HUF 170 million, of which a maximum of HUF 17 million per applicant could be awarded.

Participation in cross-border development events

“Investment Opportunities in the Border Region” was organised on 23 November 2022 by Horgos Local Community (Serbia), where the BTC EGTC was also represented. In the course of the programme, the potentials and opportunities of the border region were presented, which serve the development of the territory of Voivodina based on the dynamically developing market of Serbia.

BTC EGTC employee participated in training in Oslo

The Municipality4Democracy training course was held in Oslo, Norway, between October 9-14. 2022, to which 28 youth professionals from 10 European Union countries (Portugal, Italy, Norway, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary) were invited.

Romania-Hungary Programming Conference organised by the BTC EGTC

The BTC EGTC organised a Romania-Hungary Programming Conference in Jimbolia, on 27 September 2022, which was prepared and organised as per the request of the Romanian member municipalities.

SCHOLAR SME Scholarship and Mentoring Programme – professional coordination by the BTC EGTC

The Banat-Triplex Confinium EGTC (BTC EGTC) is geographically specific as it develops its activities to promote the effectiveness of cooperation in the border areas between Romania, Hungary and Serbia. Currently, it’s playing a key role in the technical coordination and the implementation of the Scholarship and Mentoring Programme of the Interreg-IPA Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Cooperation Programme under the title SCHOLAR SME.