
Recreation park development at the backwater of the River Váh in Komárno

The Pons Danubii European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation implemented a small tourism development in the amount of HUF 7 million on the bank of Mŕtve rameno Váhu in Komárno, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.

DANUrB+ Danube Urban Brand+ (Building Regional and Local Resilience through the Valorization of Cultural Heritage)

The programme’s aim is to strengthen the Danubian identity and to create a common cultural network and a tourism brand. The main objective of the multiannual programme’s projects is to create the “European Cultural Route”, a comprehensive spatial and cultural network which connects and brings together every community by the Danube under a brand name as a single tourist destination.

Komfort (Joint Development of the Fortress System of Komárno and Komárom)

The fortification system of Komárom-Komárno is already a major tourist attraction in the border region and is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. To make the fortification system an even bigger tourist attraction, the Komfort project includes infrastructure renovations in the New Fortress in Komárno (SK) and in the Fort Igmándi in Komárom (HU).

Kn-Kn ImproTrans (Improvement of cross-border public transport services between Komárno (SK) and Komárom (HU))

The aim of the cooperation is to improve the quality and conditions of public bus transport between Komárom (HU) and Komárno (SK). The project includes daily transport with an electronic bus between the two cities. Bus terminals and bus stops in both municipalities have been renovated.

CULTPLAY – Interactive Thematic Parks – Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage

The strategic objective of the CULTPLAY project is to involve local residents and visitors in using the existing cultural heritage in a new way. CULTPLAY parks have been built in 9 municipalities (SK: Nové Zámky, Komárno, Hurbanovo, Kolárovo, Šaľa, HU: Komárom, Tata, Oroszlány, Kisbér) in order to present the cultural heritage on both sides of the Danube. CULTPLAY parks are thematic parks that can be used by children as playgrounds, and they also include augmented reality development, which will be available in 3 languages (HU, SK, EN).

2 countries, 9 cities, 13 KOMBIbike stations – the launch of the KOMBIbike cross-border bicycle sharing rental system

The KOMBIbike tender closed in May 2021, which was launched in the framework of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.