
5 years of the Tisza European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation

The anniversary publication contains materials introducing the Tisza European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation as well as the Association’s achievements at regional, national and international levels in the period from October 2015 to October 2020.

The Tisza EGTC celebrated its fifth anniversary

The Tisza European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation with Limited Liability celebrated its fifth anniversary at a special jubilee event in Kisvárda on 13 September 2021.

Professional research material: The institutional and legal dimensions of Ukraine participating in EGTCs

The scientific publication titled ‘The institutional and legal dimensions of Ukraine participating in EGTCs’, considering the applicable laws of the EU and Hungary, proposes specific recommendations for the competent ministries of Ukraine regarding the registration and operation of the EGTCs, and depicts the successful international practices and experiences that were accomplished through the EGTCs operating in EU Member States.
The publication was presented during an international conference called ‘The positive effects of the establishment and operation of EGTCs on economic development in the European Union and its external borders’, which was held on 20 September 2019 in the Zakarpattia Oblast. The publication was so popular that it was translated into Hungarian in May 2020 with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Conference volume: Helping the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine through the example of Zakarpattia Oblast

The publication of three languages contains the professional material of the international conference called ‘Helping the Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine by the example of the Zakarpattia Oblast’, the greetings of the conference, the presentations and the proposals made by the participants, intended to rectify the legal situation of the EGTCs in Ukraine. The proposals were sent to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Supreme Council of Ukraine and the competent ministry of Ukraine. The publication can provide new information to every reader, which can be a source of inspiration or a new, creative idea for their research or studies, and we hope that the efficient use of the publication can promote the widening the international European cooperation spectrum and the development of cross-border relationships and the region.

Waste management plan in Zakarpattia Oblast until 2030

Considering that the issue of solid waste management is one of the most painful environmental issue in the Zakarpattia Oblast and that this has a negative effect on both the environmental status of the neighboring countries and the image of Ukraine due to the geographical location of the region, the waste management strategy of the Zakarpattia Oblast until 2030 was developed with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The goals and tasks outlined in the strategy: increasing the living standard by the implementation of the systematic approach of waste managemet on a regional level, the reduction of waste production and the enhancement of waste processing and recycling in accordance with the requirements of the European Union, the national law and the international law.

REVITAL I – The environmental assessment of the revitalisation of natural resources in Solotvyno with a comprehensive monitoring system in order to prevent any further pollution of the upper Tisza Basin