Pons Danubii EGTC


The last stage of the CULTPLAY project, the Tata thematic playground, was inaugurated

The final stage of the CULTPLAY project, launched in 2018, was the inauguration of the Tata thematic playground, which took place on 16 June 2023. In Tata, the Jenő mill and its surroundings in the Mill Garden were beautified within the framework of the project “Angolkert Mill Garden – 3rd stage of the rehabilitation of the Mill Garden”, project number TOP-1.2.1-16-KO1-2017-00003. The water theme playground connected to the above project was implemented with the support of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme. 

The handover ceremony was attended by Krisztina Deák, Head of the Department of Architectural Strategy of the Ministry of Construction and Transport, György Popovics, President of the Komárom-Esztergom County Assembly and József Michl, Mayor of Tata. The opening ceremony was enriched by the performances of chaplain Zoltán Both, the children’s orchestra of the Pötörke Folk Art Association under the direction of Ildikó Bottyán, Piroska Petra Kelemen and András Jakab.

The implementation of the CULTPLAY project has been completed, with all nine playgrounds in Šaľa, Hurbanovo, Komárno, Kolárovo, Nové Zámky (SK); Komárom, Kisbér, Oroszlány, Tata (HU).

More details can be found on the website tataiangolkert.hu and on the community page facebook.com/tatamalomkert.

Source of the articles: Pons Danubii EGTC’s Facebook site