Tisza EGTC


The ZeroWaste project is nearing completion


  • Date

    29 April 2024

  • Location

    Janosi (UA)

EGTC infosheet


On 29 April, the staff of Tisza EGTC, Andrea Szabóné Cap, director, and Judit Jevcsák, deputy director, conducted a site inspection and field visit at the landfill complex in Yanoshi, which is being built within the ZeroWaste project. József Bacskai, Consul of the Consulate General of Hungary in Uzshorod, László Horváth, Deputy Mayor of Berehove, Géza Kész and Edina Sebestyén Kész, representing the BudresProm construction company, also participated in the field visit. 

Despite numerous difficulties, the construction is progressing well and is expected to be handed over by the scheduled date of 30 June. Work on the site is ongoing, with the completion of the composting area, the social building, the disinfecting area, the utility shafts, the groundwater monitoring wells, the hazardous waste collection, the fence and the planting of saplings in the defence forest. What is still ongoing: groundworks, engineering, street lighting, landscaping, construction of a waste storage cassette. The scale of the project is reflected in the fact that the site inspection took nearly two hours. The ZeroWaste project is implemented with the joint support of the “Hungary – Slovakia – Romania – Ukraine ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2014” and the Ministry of Energy of Hungary. The contractor of the project is MENTO Environmental Culture Ltd.

Source of the article: Facebook site of the Tisza EGTC