Pontibus EGTC


RE-START: Creating Needs Based Employment in the Lower Ipel Valley


  • Source

    Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme

  • Budget

    4 736 220 €

  • Project partners

    Municipality of Bernecebaráti (HU),

    Bernecebarát Tourist and Cultural Association (BTKE) (HU),

    Blanka Richtáriková – Kurz opatrovania (SK),

    Burda, n.o. (SK),


    Dunakanyar Ipoly Börzsöny Területfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft., Ipolydamásd (DIB) (HU),

    Municipality of Ipolydamásd (HU),

    Ipolymenti Kulturális és Turisztikai Társaság (IKTT) (HU),

    Dunakanyar Ipoly Börzsöny Területfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft. (D.I.B) (HU),

    Municipality of Kemence (HU),

    Kemencei Tiszta Forrás Kft. (HU),

    Korrekt-System Kft. (HU),

    Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HU),

    City of Štúrovo (SK),

    MIRA OFFICE, s.r.o., Želiezovce (SK),

    Municipality of Chľaba (SK),

    Municipality of Salka (SK),


    Szent László Gimnázium, Szakgimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Kollégium (HU),

    Szobi Járási Család-és Gyermekjóléti Központ, Szob (HU),

    Natur Products Németh S.r.o., Ipeľský Sokolec (HU),

    City of Szob (HU),

    Hungarian Directorate-General for Social Affairs and Child Protection, Budapest (HU)

  • Time of implementation

    2018 – 2022

  • Webpage



RE-START is an action plan focusing on a specific geographical region, encompassing several municipalities, public administration bodies, economic actors and non-governmental organizations. The aim of the action plan is to reduce the economic and social gap of Lower Ipoly Valley, which mainly emerged due to its peripheral situation, and to revitalize the labour market, while reflecting the challenges posed by the aging society. The action plan, launched in July 2019 and lasting until the summer of 2023, is coordinated by the PONTIBUS European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation, founded by the Local Government of Pest County and the Local Government of Nitra District in Slovakia. RE-START was initiated within the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Program (www.skhu.eu).

The aim of the RE-START action plan is to increase employment by developing the internal potential of the area, paying special attention to the inactive population still in age of active labour. In addition, the development of services adapted to the needs of an aging population and the promotion of active aging will be emphasized.

The unique approach is implemented through the following specific objectives:
– expanding the social and community infrastructure of the region,
– developing shared services
– creating job opportunities based on new services, social benefits and the silver economy
– promoting employment through training and mentoring for the unemployed, unskilled and inactive population
– increasing cross-border labour mobility through capacity coordination and cooperation, as well as the acquisition of passenger vehicles and trucks
– improving the health conditions of the population
– community building, programs for the elderly and promoting dialogue between generations

RE-BOOT: is a mentoring program aiming to re-integrate people over the age of 50 into the labour market, health development of the area by operating a mobile X-ray screening bus, introducing a coordination system to measure capacity with the involvement of local social institutions

RE-STRUCTURE: is a project aiming to build social homes, create shared services for social institutions through building a social kitchen and laundry

RE-NEWAL: promoting regional mobility by operating minibuses, purchasing equipment for the kitchen and laundry under RE-STRUCTURE project

RE-HABILITATION: launching a social care training

RE-CREATION: organization of recreation and leisure services primarily for the elderly, construction of a community house and extension of the country memorial house

RE-BIRTH: training and leisure activities for the elderly, promoting intergenerational dialogue

RE-START AP – CCP: coordination and communication of the whole action plan