Arrabona EGTC


Cooperation in the touristic development of the regions Žitný ostrov and Szigetköz

The Győr based Arrabona EGTC and the Regional Touristic Association Žitný ostrov have held a common closing event and press conference of the project on 1 July in Dunajská Streda, followed by a Cultractive day organised within the framework of the project.

The objective of the tender implemented by the common cooperation was the popularisation of the cross border touristic destination of the Szigetköz–Žitný ostrov region, by presenting the significant touristic values of the area. At the press conference, the mayor of Dunajská Streda and representatives of the two organisations have expressed their intention to cooperate in the future, as the cooperation between the organisations – and thus the two regions – has been expanded with a new dimension in the framework of the CultacrossM+ project: apart from the previous cultural cooperation, a regional touristic development has begun.

The most important objective of the project with the registration number SKHU/WETA/1901/4.1/101 within the call for tender „Interreg Slovakia-Hungary Small Project Fund” is the further development of the achievements so far attained and the common popularisation of the region. The popularisation on online platforms, as well as the improvement of the tours available on the website and local sights took place with the help of external experts. 10 thematic walking routes with the designation and description of cycle and water paths focusing on specific (historical, cultural, folkloric) fields, have been adopted both in Szigetköz and Žitný ostrov. Furthermore, two promotional videos have been filmed presenting the natural and cultural values of the region (through active tourism and so-called city break themes).

Promoting events have been organised in the framework of the project, in order to popularise the project and increase the visibility. The so-called Thematic Media Day gives opportunity for media representatives focusing on the tourism sector to get acquainted with the key tourist attractions of the Szigetköz-Žitný ostrov region through personal experience. Additionally, the Cultractive Day gave the audience insight about the touristic providers in the region and the tours available on the website.

Source of the article: Arrabona EGTC