Arrabona EGTC


Legal Accessibility in the Slovak-Hungarian border region


  • Date

    25 January 2024

  • Location

    Győr (HU)

EGTC Infosheet


On 25 January 2024, the first workshop of the ACCESS strategic project “Promoting Legal Accessibility along the Slovak-Hungarian Border”, was held in Győr by CESCI (Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives), in cooperation with Arrabona EGTC.

During the event, the experts of CESCI presented the primary results of the research work carried out so far. They also asked the participants from the Győr city-region to complete and refine the mentioned results. The first workshop was attended by the mayors of the functional urban area concerned, mainly from territories alongside the border and from cross-border areas, who have a comprehensive picture of the problems and opportunities arising from cross-border functional mobility in their municipalities.

The participants discussed first of all the delimitation of the targeted region, what is the area of influence of the city of Győr both within and across the border, and identified the functions for which any legal or administrative obstacles might arise: commuting between work and home, mobility for education, mobility for health, tourism, culture, trade. In some cases, proposals for solutions were also made.

The Arrabona EGTC, which has Hungarian and Slovakian members, presented its tasks, projects and development ideas, which already aim to bring the border communities closer to each other despite the existing obstacles.

At the end of the meeting, the participants tried to identify the organisations most affected by the cross-border legal obstacles, which should be invited to the next workshop.

The aim of the project is to identify the obstacles encountered and to promote their resolution in the upcoming years, with the involvement of stakeholders, so that integration can be as widespread as possible.

Source of the article: Arrabona EGTC