Tisza EGTC


Humanitarian work in the Hungarian-Ukrainian border region coordinated by Tisza EGTC

The Tisza EGTC was established in 2015 and it operates in the Hungarian-Ukrainian border area according to the guidelines set out in the founding documents and in the integrated development strategy of the structure. In recent years, they have had the possibility to successfully lead in numerous cross-border projects.

Unfortunately, their opportunities have become more limited recently. Due to the Ukrainian-Russian war that erupted on 24 February 2022, their EU project, REVITAL I, is facing obstacles. The implementation of their other project, the ZeroWaste LIP project was planned to start on 1 March 2022, but for the reasons outlined above, this project is also delayed.

At the moment, they are working to alleviate the migratory pressure on the border region and to collect humanitarian aid, as well as to organise its delivery to the Transcarpathian Region. A coordination centre for Transcarpathian and Ukrainian refugees has been set up in Kisvárda on the initiative of Dr. Miklós Seszták, government commissioner for Co-ordination of the Recovery Plan and Development Tasks and for Tourism Development of the Carpathian Basin and with the support of Oszkár Seszták, president of both the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Council and the Tisza EGTC. The centre is located in the Transcarpathian House (Kisvárda), where the work is organised and managed by Andrea Szabóné Cap, director of the Tisza EGTC, who also coordinates the fundraising activities and the replacement of Transcarpathian refugees in Hungary.

On Wednesday, 2 March 2022, the first consignment of humanitarian aid collected in the Transcarpathian House, loaded with several cars was delivered personally by Dr. Miklós Seszták, government commissioner, Andrea Szabóné Cap, director and Dr. Tatyana Erdélyi, head of the Varda Traditional Cultural Association.  Volodimir Chubirko, the President of the Transcarpathian Regional Council, co-chair of the Tisza EGTC received the delegation and he expressed gratitude for the great amount of donation.

On 5 March 2022, Oszkár Seszták visited the collection point in the Carpathian House in Kisvárda. At the Transcarpathian House, Dr. Miklós Seszták, government commissioner, Andrea Szabóné Cap, director of the Tisza EGTC and their colleagues prepared a truckload of food aid, which was delivered to Transcarpathia on the same day. Oszkár Seszták, president of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Council, assured his Transcarpathian partners that they continue to do everything in order to assist the refugees who arrive.

Over the past month, the director Andrea Szabóné Cap and the volunteers visited Transcarpathia nearly 40 times, delivering a total of nearly 150 tons of humanitarian aid to communities and institutions, such as: Astei, Berehove, Mukachevo, Syurte, Chaslivtsi, Storozhnytsya, Velyki Berehy, Perekhrestya, Palad’-Komarivtsi, Onokivtsi, Bat’ovo, Yanoshi, Serne, Solovka, Esen’, St. Michael Orphanage in Rat, Orphanage in Solotvyno, Uzhhorod City Children’s Hospital, Széchenyi István High School in Chop, Kindergarten in Chop, the assocation Supporting the ”forgotten” children of Transcarpathia (KEGYES NGO). Donations were delivered also to the farther areas in Ukraine, including Mikolayv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Sumy. The EGTC were involved in food distribution and delivery of donations at the railway stations in Chop, Záhony and at the borders in Záhony, Beregsurány, Lónya and Tiszabecs.

In Kisvárda, they welcomed among others, the Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér and the leader of the KDNP parliamentary group István Simicskó. The guests congratulated to the work and assured them of their support.

Their humanitarian mission and work is continuous. They are grateful to all their local, national and international partners; to their volunteers; to their donors for their support in difficult times!

Source of the article: Tisza EGTC