Rába-Danube-Váh EGTC


10th anniversary of Rába-Danube-Váh EGTC

The work carried out by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, which bears the names of the three rivers, was one of the main topics of the 5th Danube Conference in the Star Fortress (Csillagerőd) in South Komárom. The focus of the Danube Conference was, as usual, thinking in a regional perspective. This year, however, the programme was extended with an additional focus, as that the participants looked back on the achievements of the Rába-Danube-Vág EGTC (RDV EGTC), which celebrates the 10th anniversary of its operation.

Péter Kiss-Parciu, Deputy State Secretary for Regional and Cross-border Economic Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, was the first to welcome the participants. Among other things, he pointed out that the Groupings of Territorial Cooperation are “strategic instruments” offered by the European Union to its member states. In his view, the potential of these partnerships was best taken advantage of in the Slovak-Hungarian border region.

After the Secretary of State, Judit Czunyiné Bertalan, Member of Parliament and Government Commissioner for the Complex Development of the North-West Hungary Economic Development Zone, spoke about the groupings, stressing that their form of operation can provide a framework to develop a successful cooperation between the participating counties.

Tibor Borsó, Vice-President of Komárom-Esztergom county, and member of the Supervisory Board of the grouping, gave a detailed report on the operation activities of the RDV EGTC. He stressed that “the future lies in thinking in a regional perspective”, and the border, apart from its ability to separate, it can also bring things together. The presentation showed that the RDV EGTC have developed a wide range of activities over the past decade, including managing and coordinating projects, publishing studies, organizing lectures, workshops and exhibitions. Their major projects included the development of the herbal medicine industry, helping employers and entrepreneurs over 50, and promoting the circular economy to young people. Tibor Borsó said that 2016 was perhaps the most significant year for the Tatabánya-based (also present in Dunajská Streda) grouping. In that year, Emma Vasi took over the leadership of the grouping, and the Small Project Fund was already developed with her being the director. The EGTC supported 123 calls for proposals in the Danube region with a total value of EUR 6 million, which resulted in the successful cooperation of 260 organisations.

During the rest of the conference, several other topics were also covered by the presentations and panel discussions. Future opportunities in the border region and the Interreg DANUBE REGION programme were also discussed.

Source of the article: Ujszo.com