Muraba EGTC


Broad partnership for the development of the Slovenian-Hungarian border region

In the last months, MURABA EGTC has been involved in the submission of 4 Interreg projects, one of which targets religious tourism, which will include the designation of a new cross-border pilgrimage route. The EGTC is the lead partner in this project.

Another major initiative is a project to link mills in Slovenia and Hungary, which are currently mainly disused, with the aim of highlighting the former importance of the mills and the former trades associated with them.

In addition, two small-scale Interreg projects have also been submitted, both aiming to help young people get on locally and to promote and attract rural life.

In addition to their own applications, the team of the MURABA EGTC also assisted in the preparation of project proposals from a number of businesses. In the framework of the Rába Region Economic Development Programme, small and medium-sized enterprises in the Rába region were given the opportunity to purchase equipment, and the grouping prepared several grant applications and project reports.

But not only applications, the organisation has also implemented its own initiatives in recent months. In this spirit, the series of City Walks took place again in Szentgotthárd, where small local tours were organised together with local civilians and members of the local history club. For example, an event dedicated to Blessed János Brenner, the chaplain of Rábakethely, a martyr of the persecution of the church after the 1956 revolution, was held in the spring.

Source of the article: Muraba EGTC