Gate to Europe EGTC


Participation in the development and cooperation of member settlements


  • Date

    From 09 March 2023 to 12 April 2023

  • Location

    Carei (RO), Nyíradony (HU)

EGTC infosheet


Without borders: the Meeting of member settlements and traditional groups of the Gate to Europe EGTC

The Gate to Europe EGTC organised an event on 9 March 2023, at the Forest Harmony Visitor Centre in Nyíradony.

As part of the event, traditionalist groups from the Grouping’s region were presented and participants were informed about calls for proposals related to the preservation of traditions and cultural heritage across borders. Livia Banu and Monica Terean, head of the BRECO Office, Melinda Benczi, CESCI’s international relations coordinator, and Dr. Árpádné Nagy, head of Mura Region EGTC gave lectures.

The lunch was also a good opportunity to present the traditional dishes of the region. In the second half of the event, a film about the member settlements of the Gate to Europe EGTC was presented, thereby allowing participants to get to know the region better. This was followed by the performances of the traditional groups: in the first part, the Hungarian performers took the stage followed by the performers from across the border. At the end of the event, the popular Tordai Quintet provided high-quality music performances.

Installation of a Kölcsey statue in Carei

In April 2023, as part of the “200-year-old National Anthem – Kölcsey Memorial Year without borders”, the Gate to Europe EGTC, with the support of the Government of Hungary and in partnership with the local government of the city, erected a full-figure statue of poet Ferenc Kölcsey on the main square of Carei.

Katalin Novák, President of Hungary, and Hunor Kelemen, Deputy Prime Minister of Romania, participated at the statue’s inauguration ceremony.

The statue was made by sculptor Lajos Győrfi.

Source of the article: Gate to Europe EGTC’s Facebook site