Rába-Danube-Váh EGTC


The final conference of the Rába-Duna-Vág EGTC Small Project Fund was held in Šamorín

Rába-Duna-Vág EGTC held the final conference of the Small Project Fund in Šamorín on 19 June 2023. The Small Project Fund aims to strengthen cross-border social cohesion by supporting cooperation at local level, making it an effective tool for community development and long-term cross-border cooperation. Its implementation represents a wide range of objectives while improving the quality of life in its regions. Over the past three years, the pandemic response has had a significant impact on the success of projects, with the joint renovation of several monuments, playgrounds, fitness parks, pilgrimage routes, educational trails, workshops and camps. 

Emma Vasi, Director of RDV EGTC, evaluated the activities of the Small Project Fund (2016-2023). She stated that out of the 352 applications received, 126 projects have been implemented in the past period, involving the cooperation of more than 270 organisations.  Under Priority 4 (Enhancing cross-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area), 383 community and social events (town and village festivals, folk art, traditional and folklore festivals, handicraft programmes, sports events, competitions, professional conferences, study trips) were organised, with 40,718 participants. Under Priority 1 (Nature and Culture), the annual number of visitors to cultural, natural and heritage sites and attractions reached 82,880. These figures also show that the Small Project Fund has reached a very large number of people.

Following the speeches, the beneficiaries of the Small Project presented their successful proposals in a number of areas (e.g. heritage conservation, social cooperation, tourism development).

Emma Vasi outlined the future activities of the Small Project Fund (2023-2027) and the application criteria for the future. She stressed that the aim is to encourage the implementation of projects with a strong cross-border character. During this period, eligible activities will include festivals; cultural events; sporting events; professional conferences and programmes; and children and youth camps. In total, small projects worth around €6.45 million will be implemented in the Western border region. More information can be found on the official website of the Small Project Fund Western programming area.

Source of the article: Ujszo.com