Arrabona EGTC


The members of the Arrabona EGTC have successfully applied to the Small Project Fund

Municipalities and other institutions of the Arrabona EGTC have been selected for funding from the PT4 call (Enhancing cross-border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross-border cooperation between citizens) within the Small Project Fund of the Interreg-V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.

For a period up to 30 April 2022, the municipalities of Veľký Meder (SK) and Dunaszentpál (HU), the municipality of Horný Bar (SK), the United Health and Social Institution in Győr and the Ambrózia Nursing Home in Šamorín can implement their projects. The three selected projects received grants of approximately €140,000.

The EGTC has been supporting the applicants in project writing and management of the implementation.

Source of the article: Arrabona EGTC