Pannon EGTC


INTERVENTURES – Policies to promote the internationalisation of SMEs for more competitive regional ecosystems in border areas of the EU


  • Source

    Interreg Europe 2014-2020

  • Budget

    1 376 708

  • Project partners

    Pannon EGTC

    Union of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Lombardy, Unioncamere Lombardia (IT)

    Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (PL)

    Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland (PL)

    European Business and Innovation Centre of Burgos, CEEI-Burgo (ES)

    Klaipėda ID (LT)

    Association of European Border Regions, AEBR (DE)

  • Time of implementation

    2019 – 2023


INTER VENTURES brings together partners from five European border regions, representing the development of SMEs in cross-border cooperation, with the aim of facilitating the internationalisation of SMEs through more structured networking. As part of the INTER VENTURES project, the partners will intensely share their experiences and will learn about relevant best practices via two Thematic Study Visits. Regional stakeholders will be intensively involved in the processes through five sessions of RSG Meetings and online webinars. Initiatives aim to increase motivation and promote ‘accelerated’ policy instrument improvements, pave the way for change and monitor it through events that bring together key decision-makers from each region.

Appropriate changes to the policy instruments will be implemented in partner regions, with the assistance and advice of AEBR. As a result, all partners will develop regional Action Plans, which will contribute to the development of the selected regional ERDF programmes for the enhanced internationalisation of SMEs.

One of the main objectives of the project was to contribute to the economic development priority of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme, which aimed to improve the competitiveness of SMEs, including the fostering of business cooperation between SMEs on different sides of the border. The sole supported activity was a special cross-border SME development scheme “B-LIGHT” with overall project development and management support to foster joint product and services development of cooperating SMEs in the programme area. The scheme aimed to improve the weak financial background and networking attitudes of local SMEs. The “B-Light” Grant Scheme allocates 7,6 M € to SMEs on both sides of the border. The Lead Beneficiary is the Croatian Agency: HAMAG-BICRO. The scheme was launched as a pilot initiative for direct SME support in the 2014-2020 period.

The objective was to overcome the obstacles in the B Light Scheme.

    1. Shortening procedures so that granted projects can be launched and implemented ASAP: INTER VENTURES will examine how system-level administrative procedures can be shortened to speed up contracting.
    2. Increasing the motivation and trust of the SMEs to participate in the Programme.
    3. Missing skills of SMEs, e.g. language competence or the lack of experience in foreign markets, which lower motivation.

Regulatory instrument changes would have been needed to overcome the obstacles of the B Light Scheme, but unfortunately could not be implemented by the time of the planned programme, as the programming period had expired by the time Interventures got in the implementation phase. Therefore, the impact on the new programme has been identified in the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2021-2027 and the Action Plan has already been created for this purpose.

The project aims to contribute to the future success of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2021-2027 SME through the following activities:

    1. A resource-focused assessment of regional SMEs – Preparation of a situation analysis
    2. Applicability reports – Preparation of a proposal
    3. Preparation of the project – Development of an action plan

INTER VENTURES aims to deliver recommendations regarding sectors, SME types, project activities to be supported and review assessment criteria based on outcomes of the interregional learning process.

Activities for Phase 2 of the project (1 February 2022 – 31 January 2023):

The objective is to extend an easier support scheme to less-prepared SMEs that are internationalising. It proposes to extend the scope of the policy instrument with a new component to support SMEs wishing to expand their international activities. In addition to receiving support to increase their joint marketing production capacity, SMEs could apply for support earlier in the cooperation to increase their capacity and to be more active in international markets. The grant would provide an opportunity to develop a “preparedness test” to assess the internationalisation preparedness of the applicant SMEs (or consortium of cooperating SMEs) according to their ambitions or objectives. In addition, a development plan (concept) could be drawn up on how to increase preparedness in a way that realistically allows for internationalisation. This could be followed by a possible second round of direct grants for SMEs to implement key elements of the internationalisation plan.

Main issues of planned actions:

    1. selection criteria for the SME support scheme
    2. activities of the support component (probably a separate project)
    3. tools to raise awareness of internationalisation among potential applicant SMEs

These recommendations are made on the basis of the experience gained during the InterVentures project and the knowledge gathered in the regional stakeholder network.

During the project, technical discussions would be held with HEPA (Hungarian Export Promotion Agency) to share their experience in the framework of the planned programme and avoid possible overlaps.

 Planned outcomes:

    1. Regional survey on possible sectoral focuses (e.g. renewable resources, health, environmental industry, etc.)
    2. Development of a draft concept on the main structures and criteria of the improved system
    3. Workshops with relevant stakeholders at local and national level (HU-HR)
    4. Developing the final concept note of the revised scheme
    5. Regular assistance and support for the preparation of the revised concept

The documents elaborated are available here.

The final video of the project can be viewed here.

 For more information visit the project’s website.