Pannon EGTC


SHARE 2 – Sustainable approach to cultural Heritage for the urban Areas Requalification in Europe


  • Source

    Interreg Europe 2014-2020

  • Budget

    370 380.70

  • Time of implementation

    2021 – 2022


SHARE 1. sought good European practices in the field of sustainable cultural heritage protection. The pandemic has brought a drastic change in the tourism industry, therefore the willingness to travel has also been significantly reduced or transformed. As we move into a post-pandemic world, the economic recovery will be long and challenging.

The objective of SHARE 2 is to explore the impact of the pandemic on international tourism and to propose innovative management practices for heritage tourism destinations to provide safe and enjoyable experiences for visitors to heritage sites in Italy, Croatia, Spain, Hungary, Romania and the UK. The project will include a detailed online survey on how the epidemic has changed tourism behaviour and expectations, how people’s perception of risk has changed, how residents, domestic and foreign visitors react to the easing of restrictions, and how the willingness to travel has been altered. Another objective of the project is collecting existing good practices and strategies.

To find out more about the tender SHARE, visit this page: