Via Carpatia EGTC


Inauguration of the renewed mansion and administration building in Gombasek


  • Date

    12 July 2023

  • Location

    Gombasek (SK)

ETT infosheet


The partners of the project “Cross-border cooperation to revive forgotten partnership in Gombasek and Szilvásvárad” (SKHU GO&SZI), which is implemented in the framework of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, were the Sine Metu Civic Association, the Municipality of Szilvásvárad, the Hegyvidék OUTDOOR Programme Office and the Hamelli Horticulture from Gombasek.

Thanks to the project, the Andrássy Mansion in Gombasek has been renewed, where the Sine Metu association opens a museum, and the Hamelli Horticulture will run a café in the administration building. The opening ceremony of the museum was held on 12 July 2023, together with the opening of the Gombasek Summer Camp, attended by Örs Orosz, President of Sine Metu, Zsuzsa Hamelli representing Hamelli Horticulture, László Szaniszló, Mayor of Szilvásvárad and Dr. Julianna Máté, Director of the Via Carpatia EGTC.

Source of the article: Via Carpatia EGTC’s Facebook site