Pontibus EGTC


Spectacular results of the RE-START action plan


  • Date

    15-29. June 2023

  • Location

    Szob (HU), Salka (SK), Chľaba (SK), Ipolydamásd (HU)

EGTC infosheet


Several facilities have recently been handed over as part of the Pontibus EGTC’s RE-START territorial action plan for employment (TAPE), which continues to assist unskilled workers and the older generation.

The Védőszárny (‘Protecting Wing’) Nursing Home in Szob, inaugurated on 15 June 2023, has created 32 new beds and eight new jobs in the region.

On 21 June, the first phase of the handicrafts house in Salka was inaugurated. During its twenty years of operation, the Country House hosted camps and craft activities for more than eleven thousand children, outgrowing the existing building. It is hoped that new funding will be available in the near future to continue the work on the remaining rooms.

The Burda Center in Chľaba, which is part of the Action Plan, has also been opened. It provides residential care and rehabilitation services in the border region.

As part of the action plan, the education and conference centre in Ipolydamásd was inaugurated on 29 June. The development includes a conference room for 70 people and two training rooms.

You can read more about the action plan in CESCI’s study titled Snapshot of EGTC’s with Hungarian participation, and on the action plan’s website.