Pons Danubii EGTC


More CULTPLAY themed playgrounds are opened

The opening of CULTPLAY themed playgrounds continued during the spring of 2021.

The playground in Kisbér was opened on 28 May, the Uivar (Nové Zámky) playground opened on 4 June, followed by the opening of the Kolárovo playground on 23 June and the CULTPLAY park in North-Komárom first welcomed visitors on 24 June. CULTPLAY parks are thematic parks that children can use as playgrounds, but also offer augmented reality features available in 3 languages (HU, SK, EN). Each park recommends visiting the other parks, thus attracting visitors on both sides of the Danube. In the near future, two further CULTPLAY parks will be opened in Oroszlány and Tata.

Source of the article: Pons Danubii EGTC