Pons Danubii EGTC


Products limited only by the imagination

With the help of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, the TAPE NOVUM DANUVIUM economic action plan is going to be implemented to support the technical transformation of micro, small and medium-sized businesses. The closing conference of one of the tenders of the action plan, the AUTOTECH INFRA was held on 30 June 2022 in Tata. As a result of the tender, the Fogaskerékgyár Ltd. from Tata established an innovation laboratory, where two modern machines to produce industrial metal products were purchased.

The Appentum Ltd. is developing a virtual reality-based application where job interviews and business meetings can be conducted. The J. Selye University of Komárno has participated in the organization of two virtual job fairs and two career orientation days. The WADO s.r.o. has also organised trainings on online marketing, e-commerce and on the use of web pages for high school and university students and for SMEs.

Source of the article: Pons Danubii EGTC